A right-wing Students Organization “Ukrainian Student” has announced a public event at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) on …

Politics, culture and society in Central and Eastern Europe.
A right-wing Students Organization “Ukrainian Student” has announced a public event at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) on …
Free Courts, Free Elections, Free Poland (Wolne Sądy, Wolne Wybory, Wolna Polska – 3xW) – was the common slogan and …
The European Union has been shaken by Brexit, Donald Trump’s election in the United States, and now political uncertainty in Germany. But the future of the EU is also being written in Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia, with profound implications for democratic institutions and regional security.
After the complete failure of leftist parties in last month’s Parliamentary elections, Czech journalist and co-founder of A2larm, Jan Bělíček, …
Be careful with your dogs sir. They’ll shoot them. Do you know there is a hunt running here?
#Heritage is novel because it co-opts the trappings of “critical,” pluralistic curation yet neutralizes true civic debate.
I want to go back to feeling I can be both Polish and Jewish, but Poland is making that increasingly difficult. The main obstacle for me aren’t the fascists themselves. It’s Poles who watched the march and did nothing.