Russia can be stopped without a single shot and without sacrificing anyone’s well-being.

Russia can be stopped without a single shot and without sacrificing anyone’s well-being.
We demand from the Russian authorities to stop the armed invasion into Ukraine.
Polish edition of Ivan Krastev In Mistrust we Trust published by Krytyka Polityczna.
Such ineffectiveness first became apparent in 2008, when NATO could not decide whether to offer Georgia a clear invitation to join.
Cherepanyn calls Europe for help for all Maidans in Ukraine.
[dropcap]D[/dropcap]rahá Evropská unie a Spojené státy americké, o vaši morální podporu už nestojíme. Udělejte něco, nebo jděte do hajzlu!“ Tento …
Can the European Union presently influence in any tangible manner the course of events in Ukraine?