Slavoj Žižek: What does it mean to be a great thinker today?

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Slavoj Žižek: What does it mean to be a great thinker today?
“In a time where a growing number of European citizens voice with much nationalist and xenophobic shrillness against them, the space of public gathering reflection and artistic otherness you create is more needed than ever, and not just in Ukraine”.
Seminar with journalist Paweł Pieniążek in the cycle “Poland for Beginners” on the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict in the Donbas
Thousands of German citizens blocked Pegida protesters from their planned routes in Leipzig, 21.01.2015.
Documentary film by Tomas Rafa.
On 26 February 2015, ECF and Castrum Peregrini have organised the debate: “Conflicting memories: A political crisis from a cultural perspective”.
Everything should be done for the collection of Ursus History Museum to remain in the neighbourhood!